Sunday, February 28, 2010

OK - First day; first step

First thing to do in blogging is to create a blog. Create seems to be a bit of a misnomer since Google did all the creating. I just clicked here and there and now I have a blog.

It's surprisingly underwhelming considering that whatever I put here is available to anyone and everyone. Worldwide.

Sunday morning. Jim and Silky have just come back from her first walk to Ferry Point. I'm feeling bad about her freaking out yesterday at Guide Dogs. Poor little puppy was so scared she salivated and drooled. I've never seen a dog be that afraid before. It took me a minute to understand what was happening. When I did , I had her sit then we walked back to the car. I'm not sure what triggered her fear but suspect it was the traffic noise from the freeway. It's bothered her on other trips to the GDB campus vet clinic. She's in great shape this morning, though.

It's french toast for breakfast -- homemade whole wheat bread as the base. And Peet's coffee, of course. And blueberry/pepper jam from Maine (thank you, Nancy).

This has been painless so far. Let's see if I make it here tomorrow.